Tobacco Will Cause You To Lose Teeth | Centreville Family Dentist

Centreville, VA Dentist

Smoking and chewing tobacco are widely recognized for their severe health risks, particularly to the lungs. However, it’s crucial to note that these habits also pose significant dangers to oral health. Avoiding tobacco altogether is the best approach to safeguarding your mouth and teeth from potential harm. Here’s how tobacco use can impact your oral health:

Chewing Tobacco:
According to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), individuals who chew tobacco are 50 times more likely to develop gum and cheek cancer. Beyond cancer risks, chewing tobacco can cause gums to recede and expose sensitive tooth roots, creating an environment ripe for bacterial decay. Our experienced team at Contemporary Dentistry of Centreville can provide valuable tips on breaking this habit and improving your oral health.

The American Dental Association warns that smoking a pack of cigarettes daily can lead to losing two teeth per decade of life. Smoking not only stains teeth and causes bad breath but also increases the likelihood of tooth loss. Avoiding cigarettes and cigars is crucial for maintaining an attractive smile and overall oral health.

Oral Cancer:
Oral cancer can affect various areas of the mouth, including the tongue, lips, floor of the mouth, and gums. Men and individuals over 50 face a higher risk of developing oral cancer. Recent trends also show a rising prevalence of oral cancer among younger adults in the United States. If you smoke, it’s essential to undergo regular oral cancer screenings at our office. Early detection through these screenings can significantly improve treatment outcomes.

If you currently use tobacco, we strongly encourage you to seek assistance from our dental team and your physician to quit smoking. Regular oral exams are essential for everyone, especially tobacco users, to monitor oral health and detect any potential issues early. Schedule an appointment with Contemporary Dentistry of Centreville today to prioritize your oral health and receive personalized care from our Centreville family dentist.

For additional tips on maintaining a healthy mouth or to schedule your next appointment, please contact our dental office.

Contemporary Dentistry of Centreville
Phone: (703) 968-7022
cash, credit card
5703 Centre Square Drive
Centreville, VA 20120

Can You Overbrush? | Centreville Dentist

Centreville, VA Dentist

Maintaining a conscientious oral hygiene routine typically involves brushing your teeth twice a day, possibly even after meals, to prevent plaque buildup and tooth decay. However, there’s a common concern: can you brush your teeth too much? Surprisingly, excessive brushing can indeed pose risks to your oral health.

Understanding Overbrushing:
Overbrushing refers to both the frequency and intensity of brushing. Brushing too vigorously can lead to dental abrasion, dental sensitivity, and gum recession over time.

Dental Abrasion:
Dental abrasion is the wearing down of tooth structure due to mechanical forces, often from aggressive brushing habits. This can cause enamel erosion, exposing softer dentin and cementum. Signs of abrasion include shiny, yellow, or brown spots near the gum line, and V-shaped indentations on the gums.

Tooth Sensitivity:
As enamel wears away, the nerve endings in the dentin layer can become exposed or closer to the surface, leading to tooth sensitivity. You may experience discomfort with hot, cold, sweet, or sour foods and beverages, or even while brushing.

Gum Recession:
Continued overbrushing can also cause gums to recede, exposing the root’s softer cementum. This can lead to increased sensitivity, pain, and a higher risk of decay. Severe gum recession may require treatments like gum grafting to restore lost tissue.

Protecting Your Teeth After Overbrushing:
To mitigate these risks, it’s crucial to adopt proper brushing techniques:

  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid abrasion and recession.
  • Choose a toothpaste with calcium and fluoride to strengthen enamel.
  • Brush gently in a circular motion, angling the brush towards the gum line.
  • Avoid brushing immediately after consuming acidic foods or drinks; wait at least 60 minutes.
  • Be mindful of habits that can contribute to enamel wear, such as using teeth as tools or biting nails.

Achieving a Healthy Smile:
A perfect smile stems from using appropriate brushing techniques and tools, not overbrushing. At Contemporary Dentistry of Centreville, our team emphasizes gentle yet effective oral care practices to ensure your teeth and gums remain healthy. Contact our Centreville dental office today to schedule an appointment and prioritize your dental health.

Contemporary Dentistry of Centreville
Phone: (703) 968-7022
cash, credit card
5703 Centre Square Drive
Centreville, VA 20120