The Risks of Sharing Oral Germs: Insights from Contemporary Dentistry of Centreville | Dentist in Centreville

Centreville, VA Dentist

Sharing intimate moments, like kissing, can be more than just an expression of affection; it can also be a way to spread germs. At Contemporary Dentistry of Centreville, we want you to be aware of the potential risks and how they can affect your oral health.

The Spread of Colds and Flu

When you’re feeling under the weather with a cold or the flu, it’s wise to avoid kissing. These illnesses are easily transmitted through saliva and nasal secretions, which means a simple kiss can spread these viruses. To protect yourself and others, refrain from close contact when you’re sick.

Cold Sores and Contagious Infections

Cold sores, which appear as small blisters around the lips, are caused by the herpes simplex virus and are highly contagious. Even if a cold sore is not visibly oozing, it can still transmit the virus to others. Avoid kissing anyone with an active cold sore to prevent the spread of this infection.

Mononucleosis: The Kissing Disease

Mononucleosis, commonly known as “mono,” is often spread through kissing. This disease can also be transmitted through shared utensils, straws, or food. It’s best to avoid sharing these items with anyone who might have mono, even if they don’t appear visibly ill.

Tips for Fresh Breath

Good oral hygiene is essential, especially if you’re concerned about fresh breath during intimate moments. Avoid foods with strong odors, like garlic and onions, as their scent can linger. Maintain a thorough oral care routine by brushing your teeth, tongue, the roof of your mouth, and the inside of your cheeks twice daily. To further combat bad breath, consider using mouthwash or chewing sugar-free gum. If persistent bad breath remains a problem, schedule an appointment with us at Contemporary Dentistry of Centreville to explore potential underlying causes.

Stay Healthy with Proper Oral Care

Kissing can spread various germs, including those causing cold sores, colds, and the flu. To protect your oral health and prevent the spread of infections, practice good oral hygiene and be mindful of these risks.

For more information on maintaining a healthy mouth or to schedule your next appointment, contact Contemporary Dentistry of Centreville. We’re here to support your oral health every step of the way.

Contemporary Dentistry of Centreville
Phone: (703) 968-7022
cash, credit card
5703 Centre Square Drive
Centreville, VA 20120

The Powerful Benefits of Dental Sealants at Contemporary Dentistry of Centreville | Dentist Near Me

Centreville, VA Dentist

When it comes to protecting your child’s oral health, dental sealants might be a key recommendation during their next visit to our office. Sealants play a crucial role in preventing tooth decay, particularly on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. Understanding their benefits can help you make the best decision for your child’s dental care.

Why Are Sealants Important?

Dental sealants are a proven method to prevent tooth decay. They are primarily applied to the molars, which are more prone to decay due to their deep grooves. Although sealants are often recommended for children and teenagers, adults can also benefit from this preventive measure.

The molars, located at the back of the mouth, have intricate grooves that are difficult to clean thoroughly. Sealants can reduce decay by up to 80% in the first two years and continue to offer significant protection, with about half of all decay being prevented after four years. Without sealants, a child’s risk of developing tooth decay is three times higher compared to those with sealants.

Ideal Timing for Sealant Application

Sealants are most effective when applied as soon as the first set of molars erupts around age six and the second set around age twelve. The optimal time for sealant application is shortly after these molars break through the gum line. Your dentist at Contemporary Dentistry of Centreville will determine the best time to apply sealants during your child’s regular dental check-up.

What to Expect During the Procedure

Applying sealants is a routine and straightforward procedure at our practice. The process is generally painless. First, your child’s teeth will be cleaned and treated with a special gel. Once the gel is rinsed off, the sealant is applied and hardened using a small blue curing light in just seconds.

Addressing Concerns About Sealants

Sealants are safe and have minimal risk of side effects or allergic reactions. If your child has any allergies, be sure to inform our team so we can tailor the approach to suit their needs.

Maintaining Sealants

When properly applied and maintained, sealants can last for many years before needing replacement. Regular dental visits are essential to ensure the sealants and overall oral health remain in top condition. If it’s been a while since your child’s sealants were applied, scheduling an appointment with your dentist at Contemporary Dentistry of Centreville can help assess if a replacement is needed.

For more information about how dental sealants can benefit your child’s oral health, or to schedule an appointment, please contact us at Contemporary Dentistry of Centreville. We look forward to assisting you!

Contemporary Dentistry of Centreville
Phone: (703) 968-7022
cash, credit card
5703 Centre Square Drive
Centreville, VA 20120